Squeeze the Day!

Squeeze the Day!

This week Saucemeup was all about lemons…

Lemons or lemon juice are hidden in the ingredients of many things we eat or intake, especially healthwise. While this fruit might be small, it packs a punch of benefits we need or can use.

I have always been a fan of lemons. From the basic lemonade (we’ve all tried at least once) to the use of lemons in sauces or recipes we mix, lemons have become a huge addition to my daily routine. 

Lemons were natively discovered in Asia, primarily in India. Their original use was to help aid in medicine and provide a nice look in a living room or home (funny, right?). While decoration is nice, overtime the medicinal use seemed to only be existent when you’re drinking that hot tea during the flu season. Fortunately, hot tea is not the only benefit lemons have. See below for additional uses lemons provide:



  • Vitamins: We all know citric fruits pack vitamin C but they also help stimulate immunity with aiding in a healthy heart!
  • Fiber: Helps with daily digestion to get your tummy where it needs to be
  • Iron: Helps your body absorb more iron, which helps prevent anemia or low iron deficiencies 
  • Reduces risk of cancer 


Beauty: (Yes, lemons are for skin and teeth!!)

  • Moisturizer: Add lemon juice to coconut water and use on your face. The coconut water hydrates while the lemon helps clear and brighten 
  • Acne: Rubbing slices of lemons on blackheads helps them heal faster and helps clear scarring
  • Teeth: Add baking soda and lemon juice and apply it to your teeth with a q-tip before brushing – see how this helps whiten your teeth!


All of these benefits are sure to help change your outlook on how beneficial lemons are to your overall body. Add this bright fruit to your diet when you can and be sure to try out these beauty remedies and let Saucemeup know how you like it!


Stay Saucy,


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1 comment

I am definitely going to try baking soda and lemon juice on my teeth to whiten them. I’ll let you know how that works out. Thanks for the tip!

Dotty C.

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